
My very own place on the net where I can brag about anything I want.

Reflections on resolutions

Here I am exactly one year after my 50 books resolution. It’s easy to note I’ve written none of the promised 50 posts. In contrast to the resolution I’ve just watched the first couple of episodes of Silicon Valley Season 3. After laughing hard on Gavin Belson’s speech I thought... [Read More]

50 books resolution

I have never been a huge fan of new years resolutions. After all if somebody wants to change their life and the change is for good why the heck waiting. I’ve started a lot of good habits and quit several of the bad ones without waiting for the right time.... [Read More]

why bothering blogging

Prologue I’ve wanted to start a blog for quite some time. I’ve even had several attempts prior this one and considering writing a second sentence it’s going way better than the last time! Having zero experience in this area I had absolutely no idea where to start. Should I... [Read More]