(source me)

Enough about you, let's talk about me

My name is Hristo Yankov and I’m a software engineer from Bulgaria. I love learning (especially programming languages), challenges and prototyping and decided to build this site to share my progress.

Driven by curiosity I’ve switched several jobs covering different technological domains. As a young padawan I used to develop almost embedded software for these babies. Smartcom jumpstarted my carreer but the dark side of the force found its way to me and I started practicing the dark mystic art of iOS development in Minerva Jedi academy (to be honest it was a coincidence). Two years later, feeling strong enough, I decided I want more, brushed the dust off my old C++ lightsaber and joined the enterprise world. However, that didn’t work out great and now, mentored by the masters from the Aviaso order, I’m studying the darkest teaching of all … JAVA!

Long story short, I’m more generalist than specialist. Ready for adventures and constantly hungry for knowledge!

That’s all for now but I’ll do my best to keep the page up-to-date. May the force be with you!