Reflections on resolutions

Here I am exactly one year after my 50 books resolution. It’s easy to note I’ve written none of the promised 50 posts. In contrast to the resolution I’ve just watched the first couple of episodes of Silicon Valley Season 3. After laughing hard on Gavin Belson’s speech I thought I could use this one:

Failure is growth. Failure is learning. But sometimes failure is just failure. I think… I’m sorry. I didn’t think it would be this hard.

I’m sorry I really didn’t think it would be this hard. However, I’m not multibillion dollar company’s CEO and I have the agility to treat failing to tackle the 50 books resolution as growth! Actually it wasn’t a complete failure. I did watch less TV. I’ve actually read more books than the year before. I’ve even taken notes and mindmapped some of them. I might actually blog about some of them at some point. So there’s th growth! But what about the learning?

I’ve learnt something about myself. Actually rediscovered a bug in my wiring - being a maximalist. The goal was huge, I fell behind schedule on the second or third week. The debt was increasing with every next week. The worst part was I had a lot of interesting things I wanted to share but I didn’t because I was feeling guilty for not fulfilling the commitment. The bug is recognized so let’s attack it. Here’s an interesting post from David Kadavy that inspired me for action.

Start small. Make regular efforts. Once the habit is built - increase the stake.

So stay tuned for more…